Paper 1: Prompt

Due before class on October 13 is one 1000-1500 word paper (please double space), developed from one (or more) of your reading responses and referring directly to at least two of the readings to date. Also try for a third citation from an additional source of your choice, not read in class (this last is encouraged by not required). A bibliography (and any footnotes, though footnotes are not required) should be included. Biblio and footnotes do not count toward the word count.

If you want to develop a topic of your own, that is fine but it should still engage with at least two sources from class reading. You can follow either Turabian or the Chicago Manuel of Style (either "author-date" style or "Notes and Bibliography" style is fine, but whichever one you choose please be consistent. If you want an example to follow in print, look at any essay in any recent TDR: A Journal of Performance Studies, in the Becker or at the Library or online).

 Please upload the paper to Canvas. 

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